NYS Canal System Event Grants Support Requirements
As a grant recipient, you are required to provide proper recognition of support, obtain the correct permits, and submit a final report within 30 days of your event. Please review the instructions below and contact us should you have questions.
1. Promotion & Recognition of Support
Primary responsibility for event promotion rests with the event host. Funding recognition must be listed on the event website and promotional materials, via written credit and/or logo placement. Social media posts acknowledging event support should tag the NYS Canal Corporation and Erie Canalway. Recommended written credit for all promotional materials:
This event is funded in part with support from the NYS Canal Corporation and the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor.
Download the appropriate logos using the buttons below. Contact us if you need a different file type (e.g., black and white, EPS file for printing) than what is supplied.
Save a sample of your flyer or brochure with properly documented sponsorship recognition and send it to us with your final report.
2. Permitting
You must obtain a permit if your event will take place on NYS Canal Corporation-owned land. Refer to your award notification letter for whether this requirement applies to you. Plan accordingly and anticipate a 4-week minimum time frame for permit review and approval. Find the Canal Permit Coordinator for your location on the downloadable map below and contact them directly.
3. Final Report
A final report submitted within 30 days of your event is required. Reports for events taking place in October are due by October 31. Late submissions may result in your organization being ineligible for future funding.
Complete and submit your final report in the Canalway Grant Platform, which allows you access to your grant application, grant agreement, and the final report. Include the following by uploading into the platform:
- Sample of promotional material identifying funding recognition (e.g., flyer, brochure, website page)
- Digital photos taken during event
- Attendance: Include the actual or best-faith estimate of attendance
- Demonstrated uses of funds and matching funds including:
- Matching Funds- The awarded grant must be used on eligible uses of funds, matched by the applicant, and clearly demonstrated in the final project financial report. Federal and state dollars may not be used as a match. Matching funds may include: cash support, in-kind donations, or volunteer hours.
- Volunteer Hours- If volunteer hours are used as a match, the name of each volunteer, tasks performed, and work hours must be recorded on the volunteer timesheet report. Find the estimated value of volunteer time here: Value of Volunteer Time
Submit your final report to both Mary & Rosemary:
Ashley Quimby-Simoni, Program Manager, at Mary_Abbruzzese@eriecanalway.org and
Rosemary Button, Director of Finance, at Rosemary_Button@eriecanalway.org