Answers to Submitted Questions
Questions with answers for the 2025 grant program will be posted weekly starting October 7, 2024.
Q: Are eligible applicants able to submit for both event support and tourism and infrastructure funds within the same funding round?
A: Yes.
Q: Are previous event grants winners were able to apply for the grant again? Do award winners have to wait a certain amount of time before applying again or if someone won an award in 2024, could they apply again in 2025?
A: Yes, there is no wait period between awards.
Q: Please explain what is meant by "Organization Website" and "Legally Authorized Representative."
A: Organization website is the web address or URL for your organization. For example, Erie Canalway's organization website is The legally authorized representative is the person who is authorized to sign the agreement when a grant is awarded.
Q: Who do we address letters of support to?
A: Letters of support for Tourism Infrastructure and Amenities can be addressed to Bob Radliff, Executive Director, Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor. Events does not require a letter of support.
Q: What happens if our response goes over the character allotment?
A: The online application will not allow you to submit your answers if they are over the character or word allotment. Please be concise in your answers and edit them down to be within the character or word limits.
Tourism Infrastructure & Amenities
Q: We are planning an interactive exhibit next year for the bicentennial to commemorate the heritage and culture of the canals. Would an exhibit that is being installed in the summer of 2025 qualify for this type of funding?
A: Yes, such a project is eligible for consideration.
Q: The two areas we are looking at is an upgrade of a website and producing a trifold paper map. Are these projects eligible?
A: Online resources and printed maps would not be eligible for this funding.
Q: My Village has begun implementing designs for a Kiosk and other signage at our local port, but everyone was a bit confused when the language in the grant said no signage will be allowed on Canal Corporation property.
A: As a local government, a Village is eligible to apply for a project on land owned by the NYS Canal Corporation.
Work on NYS Canal Corporation land requires both a Use and Occupancy Permit AND a Work Permit specific to the requested activities. All permits, including other required federal, state, and municipal permits, must be secured prior to implementing grant funded activities, including those activities related to the match. All applicants should anticipate a minimum of 4 weeks for initial review of application by the NYSCC. Applicants must reach out to the NYS Canal Corporation's Real Property Department at (518) 449-6000 to ensure the site is eligible for the proposed project in advance of grant application. Regional Real Property Coordinator contact information is available here:
Applicants are required to follow NYS Canal Corporation and/or Empire State Trail and Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) design guidelines for wayfinding signs and trail amenities. The Grantor reserves the right to review and comment on any infrastructure or signage produced through the grant. Projects such as interpretive signs and murals must receive written approval on final designs by the Grantor during the design stage prior to final design and production. Designs not meeting stated design standards will not be reimbursed.
Universal design principles should be incorporated, with special attention to ADA standards, to assure public access to a kiosk or interpretive signage.
Design guidelines and other resources may be found in the "Resources" section of the Program Guidelines.
Q: Our organization owns a historic tour boat. We need a wheelchair ramp up to the boat so visitors can take a look inside. Is this project eligible?
A: Yes, purchase of a wheelchair ramp that improves visitor accessibility to a canal-related asset, within our program boundaries, is eligible. The ramp will need to be installed in compliance with ADA standards.
Q: Our organization is located in Rush, less than five miles from your nearest Canalway amenity, namely Mendon Ponds, and it borders on the Genesee, navigable from the Canal. Is our project eligible for the program?
A: Rush is not an eligible community for this program.
Q: Part of our signage plan includes high quality pole banners, which are being designed using the Bicentennial toolkit to bring uniformity across New York State, while providing something unique for downtown ...The banners would be designed using the design criteria and approved by both Canal Corp and Erie Canalway...Because some of the pole banners would be installed on land owned by NYS Canal Corp, I need your guidance on whether these pole banners would be eligible for grant funding under the infrastructure grant.
A: Please proceed with your application. To the extent possible, please separate the various sign components (scope or work, budget) of your overall project so, if for some reason, the pole banner aspect is not workable we can more easily make decision(s) on the rest of the application. Per the application guidelines, those applying for projects on Canal Corporation property must reach out to Canal Corporation's Real Property Department to ensure the site is eligible for such a project. Correspondence should be submitted as part of the application. Regional Real Property Coordinator contact information is available here:
Q: It is our plan to build an ADA compliant ramp. We will have an architectural/engineering design if the funding is granted. Is it expected that we pay for this ahead of time (not knowing if we get the grant)?
A: No, you do not have to incur project costs before knowing if you will receive a grant. Please do include all project costs in your proposed budget and be clear about which source(s) of funds will pay for each of the detailed expense items in your budget. Also, for your proposed project implementation timeline, it is likely that a project that does not yet have architectural/engineering design will need more time; please plan accordingly.
Q: How do I open an application? Do we have to have an authorizing resolution from the town before the application can be considered complete?
The project would include an improved car top boat launch; improved access to the River/Canal; repair of the bridge abutment as access to the panoramic view; bike rack, picnic table, stone stairway to the boat launch. Funding match: Town to repave...and the snowplow turn at the end; Volunteer brush clearing; Retaining wall reconstruction, and Stone steps to River's edge. Will this work?
A: We have a review committee that makes decisions on all applications. We typically receive more requests than we have funding, thus the process is competitive.
To open an application, go here: Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor :: Grants and Funding
Ownership or control of the project site is an important component of application review. Are you suggesting that the town provide a resolution because they own the site? If so, does your organization have a permit or lease? If not, the town may be a more appropriate applicant. Is any of the site owned or controlled by the NYS Canal Corporation? Ultimately, we will need to know the specifics of site ownership and control. Please review our Program Guidelines for eligibility and site control guidance: 2025_NYS_Canal_System_Tourism_Infrastructure__Event_Grants_9.9.24_FINAL.pdf
Q: Our organization signed a 5-year lease with the owner of out site and Canal Corporation in April to oversee and operate programming at the Boathouse. There are plans to install a new safety ramp system to allow future middle school, high school, adult, and veteran rowing programming to operate beginning in the summer of 2025. This capital improvement project will cost approximately $17-$20K which includes labor, new ramp, and excavation of the site. Would this project be eligible to apply for this grant?
A: The proposed project appears to be consistent with our program interests.
If a NYS Canal Corporation Use and Occupancy permit is not in the applicant's name, there may be an eligibility challenge. The project site control matter will need clarification by the NYS Canal Corporation either before and/or after the application deadline. Please contact NYS Canal Corporation Real Property, per the Grant Program Guidelines, to discuss the permitting status, including allowable activities or uses.
A "letter of support" from...may also be necessary, depending on the details of the permit. Please be aware as well that there is a dollar for dollar matching funds requirement for this program.
Since the application deadline is approaching, please feel free to submit an application.
Q: What does it mean: How is your project consistent with local, county, regional, state and or federal planning? Does this mean, because we are in the Canalway, and have an Erie Canal touring boat and attract tourism? We collaborate with other organizations about the Erie Canal?
A: Please succinctly demonstrate that your project is consistent with any existing plans that have been developed at local, regional, state and/or federal levels. For example, if you feel that your project is consistent with Erie Canalway's Preservation and Management Plan (Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor :: Preservation and Management Plan), then state such. Other examples may include your project being consistent with New York State Local Waterfront Revitalizations Plans or Downtown Reinvestment Initiatives.
Q: If we submit an application for a $24,000 grant, does this mean we are required to match the $24,000 making it a $48,000 project? Or if this grant awards $12,000 and we match the $12,000 equaling the $24,000 grant?
A: Whatever amount you request from us needs to be matched dollar for dollar with eligible matching funds (see the Program Guidelines). So, if it is a $24,000 project in total, we would only fund up to $12,000 and the applicant would need to match at least that amount. If it is a $48,000 project in total, you can request up to $24,000 from us as long as you match, or exceed, that amount with eligible matching funds.
Q: We will be hosting a buffet style dinner for crew members involved in bringing the Seneca Chief to our community in addition to a couple of dignitaries. Is that an acceptable use of funds?
A: Events that are by invitation only are not eligible for funding. Event grants are only eligible for events that are open to the public.
Q: Are we still eligible to apply if our event is open to the public but requires purchase of an admission ticket to participate?
A: Yes
Q: What would be the best way to demonstrate site control for a particular project? We are planning to secure a support letter from the site owner where we plan to hold our event. Would additional confirmation that they've accepted our request be sufficient?
A: We don't require confirmation from the site owner for events, only for tourism infrastructure and amenities. Simply noting who owns the location where your event takes place will be sufficient. If your event takes place on NYS Canal Corporation land, you will need to secure the proper permit.
Q: I understand that the grant must be submitted by a not-for-profit organization. Our organization has a charitable trust account (a 501(c)3) through which we typically collect event proceeds and sponsorships. All event proceeds are donated to the non-profit partner. While our organization does not profit from the event, would our charitable trust be eligible to apply for the grant, or should we work with the non-profit we partner with each year to submit the application?
A: It would be best to apply through your non-profit partner.
Q: We are planning to submit an application for a series of events, but don't have a final schedule worked out yet. Is it okay to provide a rough schedule?
A: A rough schedule is perfectly fine. We realize not every detail will be worked out at this point. Your best faith estimate will be sufficient, as long as it's understood that if awarded, we would require follow-up once the schedule is finalized.
Q: We intend to apply for a county-wide event celebrating local agriculture. Our organization is not physically located within the National Heritage Corridor, but our service area is the entire County (which is on the canal), we have multiple participating organizations in the corridor area, and intend to increase the event's connection to the canal. Are we eligible to apply for our event to this funding stream?
A: Yes, you are eligible to apply as long as your event will take place in the National Heritage Corridor and your event makes a connection to the canal.
Q: If we are asking for $3000 does this mean we need to match with $3000 or is the match half of the $3000?
A: Every dollar awarded needs to be matched. In other words, if you are asking for $3,000, you need to demonstrate $3,000 in matching funds.
Q: Our annual event will also have a special flare for the bicentennial. Should we put in that application as well or with there be another round of funding next spring?
A: That should be included in your application. This is the grant round for all of 2025.
Q: We are planning two events. Should we apply for separate funding for each one?
A: You can choose to submit two separate applications or package two or more events into one application. The funding request for each application cannot exceed $3,000.
Q: How do we access the actual application for event funding?
A: Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor :: Grants and Funding, click apply now.
Q: Is it ok to put "program to be announced" for a program? I know the month but the speaker is not sure on the date but he is good for his commitment!
A: Yes, we understand every detail of an event may not be worked out at this point in time. We request you inform us of event schedules as soon as possible so we may promote on our events calendar.
Q: Do I mention admissions for a fee charged for a program or festival?
A: There is a question in the application about fees. Please answer "yes" to that question and input the amount of the fee.